文学系, 写作与修辞 allows students to explore the nuances of the written word and visual rhetoric, while engaging with a wide diversity of written works in the English language. Students in this program are intellectually challenged to hone their critical thinking skills and develop strong proficiency in written language. Students also have the opportunity to write for our award-winning, student-run journals.
Our programs teach students to interact with texts from a wide array of genres, 文化, 历史时期, as well as to produce their own texts through a mastery of language and basic design principles. 你是否寻求教育, 说服, 或丰富, you'll learn how to express yourself analytically and creatively, 以及如何 to thrive in writing-intensive careers. 研究生s are prepared for post-graduate studies or entry into professions that require critical thinking and excellent writing skills. St. 365比分网电竞 is also home to one of just a few undergraduate rhetoric programs in the nation.
三位作家访问山顶 and Share Thoughts on 的ir Craft and Life.
St. 365比分网电竞 features two award-winning, student-run journals and many different ways to get involved in literature and writing on campus. Below are publications and organizations that writing and literature students contribute to and staff.
的 Sorin Oak评论 is an annual literature and arts journal produced by St. 爱德华大学学生. 圣里的任何人. 爱德华的 community may submit fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction 论文, photography, and artwork.
阿雷特 is an award-winning, student-run academic journal at St. 365比分网电竞. 1991年首次出版, 阿雷特 is an annual publication that encourages students from all disciplines to submit research papers, 论文, 并提出了实质性的论点, 新鲜的, and well-researched arguments for an informed audience.
山顶的观点 is a weekly student newspaper published by the School of Humanities and serving the community of St. 365比分网电竞. 的 newspaper publishes news stories, life and arts stories, and sports stories relevant to St. 爱德华的学生. Students are encouraged to use this opportunity to develop their writing and reporting skills.
书套文学俱乐部 is a fully student-run organization in which students gather to share conversations about books and writing ideas. Students also gather to read and perform each other’s work and invite speakers to discuss internship and job opportunities for literature and writing majors. 的y also share information about upcoming literary events on campus and at local bookstores.
来看看激动人心的阵容 的 Marcia Kinsey 访问ing Writers Series!